品牌 | burkert/德国宝德 |
burkert宝德6213 EV 为伺服辅助式S.EV系列电磁阀。通过膜片的弹性耦合打开阀门。其标准型适用于液体。要*打开阀门,需要一个zui小压差。有一个特殊型(HP00)可以不需要压差打开阀门,适合于气体和真空应用。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种膜片材质。标准供货的黄铜阀体符合所有欧洲饮用水标准的要求。具有无铅或抗脱锌腐蚀黄铜式,适合于其它应用。阀体材质还有不锈钢式。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。所有线圈都可以带降功耗电子线路,用于节能。与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65,不锈钢阀体式 NEMA 4X
--伺服辅助式隔膜电磁阀,zui大通径 DN 40
The 6213 EV valve is a servo-assisted solenoid valve of the S.EV series. The spring coupling of the diaphragm supports the opening process of the valve. In its standard version, the valve is suitable for use in liquids. A minimum differential pressure is required for complete opening. A special version (HP00) which opens the valve without differential pressure is available for gas and vacuum applications. Various diaphragm material combinations are available depending on the application. The standard brass
housing satis? es all European drinking water requirements.
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